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Extol Academy Trust home page

Extol Trust

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  • Beyond Inspiration
  • Beyond Excellence
  • Beyond Partnership
  • Beyond Education
  • Beyond Inspiration
  • Beyond Excellence
  • Beyond Partnership
  • Beyond Education


As a forward and outward facing Trust, we are confident that by working in collaboration with our schools and with our wider partners, our aspirational vision of developing “stand out schools” is secured.


Our highly regarded external partners support the professional development of our work force, challenge and hold leaders to account, ensure we are knowledgeable regarding current practice and support our ethos of talent spotting and development of our future leaders.


On this page you will find links to our partners, if you would like further information of how they work within the Trust, please contact us. is an organisation used for Initial Teacher Training , delivery of Early Careers Programme and NPQs by schools within Extol. The Trust is also a delivery partner for TeachFirst and our colleagues  support facilitation of ECF and NPQs


Michael Green External Improvement Partner; Michael has significant experience of undertaking improvement partner work within a range of settings; including mainstream schools, special schools and multi-academy trusts.  Michael is an active Ofsted inspector.  


Benchmark data service;  an externally commissioned data service that has created a bespoke package for our Schools and Trust


Confederation of School Trusts (CST) is the national organisation and sector body for school trusts in England advocating for, connecting and supporting executive and governance leaders. Extol is proud to be a member and utilise a number of programmes to support and develop our Trust Board


Extol Trust and all partner schools are members of Schools North East: an organisation that ensures the North East  vibrant, self reliant and outward looking, featuring a dynamic economy, healthy environment and distinctive culture. –  Extol Trust schools are all involved in the EDT Peer Review School Partnership Programme; a number of our personnel lead the reviews –  A number of Ambition Institute programmes are used by Extol Trust to enhance teaching and leadership



