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Extol Trust

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  • Beyond Inspiration
  • Beyond Excellence
  • Beyond Partnership
  • Beyond Education
  • Beyond Inspiration
  • Beyond Excellence
  • Beyond Partnership
  • Beyond Education


We offer trainees the opportunity to train in either ages 3 to 7 or 3 to 11.


Primary curriculum


The SCITT primary curriculum has six modules made up of three main components.

These are:

• 15 hours of self-directed study over five units

• two 90-minute live seminars which are phase-specific

• a conference day constituting two core seminars and two phase-specific seminars, all 80 minutes in length

The online self-directed study is exemplified through core and foundational subjects.

Unit 1 ‘Subject knowledge and pedagogy’ is split into 2 parts. Part a has an English focus and part b has a Mathematics focus.


Broader school experiences


The Teach First accredited SCITT courses include broader school experiences to ensure the SCITT meets the requirements of ITT providers as set out in the ITT criteria — specifically related to trainees teaching in at least two schools and across the full age range they are training to teach. Trainees will complete the programme having gained experience of different approaches to teaching, school organisation, and management and will have acquired the knowledge and skills they need to teach within the phase for which they are training.


There is a set of minimum requirements that all trainees must complete in order to achieve QTS at the end of the course.


The broader school experiences last for six weeks in the spring term and must be completed ahead of the Easter break.

• At least four weeks teaching in an alternative key stage in a different school to the main placement school

• At least one day in a Secondary school

• At least one day in a non-mainstream setting Additional opportunities which may make up some of the six weeks of


Broader School Experiences:

• Alternative provision

• Special education provision

• Post-16 provision

• Early years settings
